sunday school
We Welcome All God’s Children
Classes every Sunday for students:
Nursery – 5th Grade: Sundays after Children's Sermon
Youth Group: Sundays at 5:00 PM
Adult Bible Study: Sundays 11:00AM
All Sundays except for Communion Sundays
All students start out in the worship service with their
families at 9:30 am. After the children’s sermon
(about 10 minutes into the service) students are
dismissed with their teachers to attend classes.
Communion Sundays, students are invited to stay in
worship and participate in the Sacrament of Communion.
Children in the Sanctuary: AT BJUMC we value having children participate in worship. While we make Sunday School available, we see it as an important part of their upbringing to have them in worship. We understand children might make extra noise, or play, or get easily distracted, we're just glad they're here! To aid in their growth, and also your peace of mind: Clipboards with age-appropriate writing or drawing activities are located at the door to the Sanctuary.
Please contact the church office for information.