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UMWF Circles


The UMWF has three Circles composed of our Church family members and their friends. The Circles provide opportunities for fellowship, support, mission and study.

Grace Circle


4th Tuesday

9:30 am – 11:00 am

Grace Circle meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month (location to be determined). Grace Circle does not meet during July or August. The group has no set agenda and is primarily a time for devotion, fellowship, discussion or an activity. All women of the Church are invited to attend.

Summer Circle


Dates Vary

6:00 pm

Summer Circle is a time of good food and fellowship held at the home of Carol Lutes, 51 Summit Drive, Basking Ridge. The group meets approximately every other month and gathers at 6:00pm for a potluck dinner to be served at 6:30pm. Please bring a favorite dish to share. All women of the Church (including high school aged women) are invited to attend. Contact: Carol Lutes

New Circle


3rd Tuesdays


New Circle meets at a variety of locations – sometimes for dinner at a restaurant or at someone’s home – but always on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm. Attendees span a variety of ages and occupations – older, younger, married, single – but all work hard at something during the day. Everyone is welcome to join us in conversation. Contact person: Linda Cargo

UMWF Ministries

Hearts2Hands Prayer Shawl Ministry


Our prayer shawl ministry meets on the fourth Tuesday evening at 7:00pm in Youth Room. This ministry knits or crochets shawls for persons in need of prayer and support during an illness or difficult time. Knitting instruction and yarn are provided. This group is open to all women and girls of the Church and yes, men and boys too! Contact: Kathy Liu

Caring Hearts


Members of Caring Hearts reach out to congregational members through phone calls, letters or cards of encouragement and prayer. A selection of blank and special occassion cards are maintained in the church narthex and are available to all church members to use.

Reading Program


Books selected from the United Methodist Women’s reading list as well as copies of Response Magazine are made available to all church members through our unit categories; education for mission, nurturing for community, social action and spiritual growth. They may be found on our book cart located in the Welcome Center. Please use the designated sign out sheet and return in an appropriate time frame. Contact person : Barbara Kleinert

UMWF Events & fundraising

Rummage Sale


A rummage sale is held each spring. Donations of household items, books, toys, furniture, etc. may be dropped off in Wesley Hall beginning on the Sunday prior to the sale. Volunteers are needed to help sort and price items during the week as well as on the days of the sale and to clean up. Items that remain after the sale are donated to the Knowlton United Methodist Church Thrift Store and to Peaceworks. Contact persons: Karen Hayworth and Linda Cargo

Clothing Sale


A clothing sale is held each fall. Donations of clean and gently- used clothing including coats, shoes and accessories may be dropped off in /Wesley Hall beginning on the Sunday prior to the sale. Volunteers are needed to help sort and price items during the week as well as on the days of the sale and to clean up. Contact persons: Karen Hayworth and Linda Cargo

Homespun Holidays

homespun holiday.png

The Homespun Holiday bazaar is held during the holiday season in Wesley and Melick Halls.  The items offered for sale are seasonal, handcrafted and home-baked including handmade quilts from our Piecemaker Quilters, a jewelry boutique, homemade jams and jellies fair trade artisan crafts from Serv International, attic “treasures” and items donated by members and our community for a Silent Auction.

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