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United Women in Faith:
Connecting, Nurturing, and Serving Together

United Women in Faith  
Click here to see all our upcoming events!

Looking For Something Sweet?

Bonnie Artell is back to making her delicious jams and currently has homemade strawberry jam available for $7.00.   If you are interested in purchasing a jar or two, please contact Bonnie or call Bonnie at 908-766-0793 to make arrangements.  Proceeds go to support UMF mission.


If you have any 8-oz or 4-oz mason jars to recycle please let Bonnie know and she will put them to good use!


All United Women in Faith events, circles and ministries are open to all women and youth of BJUMC, friends, and the community.


Mondays at 9:00am, Walk and Talk will meet at Harry Dunham Park. We meet in the parking lot off Liberty Corner Road and will walk for about one hour. Open to all!! Contact person: Barbara Conca,



United Women in Faith and the Hearts2Hands ministry at Bishop Janes Church is collecting hand knit/crochet winter wear to donate to Knit The Rainbow, a nonprofit that distributes to homeless and at risk LGBTQIA+ youth in New York City. For more information, please contact Linda Cargo at

Click here for a full list of groups and meeting times.


The face to face outreach, the community-based fundraisers, the coming together in kitchens, living rooms and fellowship halls to make food, sew quilts, knit prayer shawls or to assemble school, health, layette and cleaning kits is what United Methodist Women of Faith do across the country. We host forums and legislative days and prayer vigils and spiritual retreats. While serving the immediate needs where we live come together as na organization to end systemic issues of mass incarceration, economic inequality, climate injustice and poor maternal and child health outcomes. Empowering women everywhere changes the world for the better for everyone.  Click here for a message from your Bishop Janes UWF Leadership Team.


The PURPOSE of the United Women in Faith:

United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the Church.


Our work is inspired by our PURPOSE and turning faith, hope, and love into action. Making this statement a living reality is our goal. Commitment to God’s calling, sensitivity to others, openness to new ideas and a heart for mission are all needed to foster the values that are at the core of the PURPOSE.


The mission focuses that can be found within the PURPOSE are as follows:

  • To be a community of women

  • To know God

  • To experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ

  • To expand concepts of mission

  • To participate in global ministries


The vision of United Women in Faith is to “turn faith, hope and love into action on behalf of women, children and youth around the world.” This is lived out through the following actions:

  • We provide opportunities and resources to grow spiritually, become more deeply rooted in Christ and put faith into action.

  • We are organized for growth with flexible structures leading to effective witness and action.

  • We equip women and girls around the world to be leaders in communities, agencies, workplaces, governments and churches.

  • We work for justice through compassionate service and advocacy to change unfair policies and systems.

  • We provide education experiences that lead to personal change in order to transform the world.



Membership is open to any woman who indicates her desire to belong and to participate in the global mission of the Church through United Women of Faith. The Pastor is considered a member of the UMWF and is welcome at all meetings.


Monthly Gatherings

The United Women in Faith meet on the second Tuesday every month for either hands-on mission projects, guest speakers or guided discussion. Smaller groups such as Grace Circle or New Circle meet at various times throughout the month and special programs are held several times a year. The time, location and format of all gatherings and programs will be announced in the Sunday bulletin and in the Tower Bell.

UWIF Missions Giving

United Women in Faith fundraising efforts at Bishop Janes Church enable our unit to financially support local, and international mission giving as well as to support our own ministries including the Piecemaker Quilters and the Prayer Shawl Ministry.  Each year the UMWF budget is carefully and prayerfully reviewed and set according to guidelines provided by the United Methodist Women National Office.


One of the ways that the UWIF has been able to creatively provide support to women in need around the world is by providing micro-loans through Kiva, an online organization founded in 2005 to expand financial access to help vulnerable and underserved individuals and communities improve their lives.   


Since opening their account in 2007 our UWIF has made a total of 125 loans to women in 45 different countries.  Total deposits have amounted to $563 with a total amount lent of $3,150.  


As an example, the most recent loans made this past month were to four different women, each in the amount of $25: Ruhshona in Tajikistan to renovate her small cafeteria and bakery, Pamela in Ibarra, Equador  to purchase equipment for her personal training business, Balbina in Paraguay to purchase pigs to breed and sell, and Germania in Tulcan, Equador to buy furniture and accessories for her hair salon.  Each of these loans are special because they focus on the poorest one fifth of the population with no access to financial services.


We pray for these women to succeed and be able to provide financial support to their families, their children and their communities.  For more information about Kiva go to their website,

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Kiva-Germania in Tulcan-Equador.png

United Methodist Women 150 YEARS VIDEO:

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